Title: The World God Only Knows, Kami no Mizo Shiru Sekai, Kami nomi zo shiru sekai, TWGOK, 神之境界, 神のみぞ知るセカイ, 只有神才知道的世界Genre(s) : Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, School Life, Shounen, Supernatural
Author : WAKAKI Tamiki
Katsuragi Keima is known on the net as the god of getting the girls while in real life he’s known as otamegane and he hates all real girls. However he is approached by Elsee, a devil from hell, to help her in catching runaway spirits that hide in people. Apparently the spirits only hide in the hearts of girls and the only way to get the souls out is by making the girl fall in love so the spirit gets forced out. And he’s not allowed to fail or he will lose his head.
This a REALLY funny manga!! The guy is an unwilling Casanova and Elsee treats him like he's god or something (She even calls him God!! XD ) *Laughing my head off*
Download Links:
The World God Only Knows [One-Shot].zip (New!!)
- The_World_God_Only_Knows_ch40[RH].zip
- The_World_God_Only_Knows_ch41[RH].zip
- The_World_God_Only_Knows_ch42[RH].zip
- The_World_God_Only_Knows_ch43[RH].zip
- The_World_God_Only_Knows_ch44[RH].zip
- The_World_God_Only_Knows_ch45[RH].zip
- The_World_God_Only_Knows_ch46[RH].zip
- The_World_God_Only_Knows_ch47[RH].zip
- The_World_God_Only_Knows_ch48[RH].zip
- The_World_God_Only_Knows_ch49[RH].zip
- The_World_God_Only_Knows_ch50[RH].zip
- The_World_God_Only_Knows_ch51[RH].zip
- The_World_God_Only_Knows_ch52[RH].zip (New!!)
More yet to be translated......
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