Author : HIGUCHI Tachibana
Young Mikan runs away to Tokyo to follow her best friend, Hotaru, who has been enrolled in an exclusive, secretive private school for geniuses. But it turns out that Alice Academy is a lot more than meets the eye. If Mikan wants to stay by Hotaru's side, she has to both pass the strange "entrance exam" and face the even greater challenge of befriending her very odd new classmates. Whether it's Hotaru's gift for inventing gadgets, the cranky Natsume's fire-casting ability, or Professor Narumi's control of human pheromones, everyone at the school has some sort of special talent. But what ability, if any, does Mikan possess? Mikan is going to have to rely on her courage and spunk if she's going to stay in school, or even stay alive!
Download Links:
Volume 01 (Ch. 001-005).zip
Volume 02 (Ch. 006-010).zip
Volume 03 (Ch. 011-016).zip
Volume 04 (Ch. 017-021).rar (Partially Scanlated)
Volume 05 (Ch. 022-028).zip (Not Scanlated)
Volume 06 (Ch. 029-034).zip
Volume 07 (Ch. 035-040).zip
Volume 08 (Ch. 041-046).zip
Volume 09 (Ch. 047-052).zip
Volume 10 (Ch. 053-058).zip
The chapters of Alice Academy have been translated in a haphazard method. The ones below that are the random(#) chapter translations done earlier.
Volume 11 (Ch. 059-064):
- Alice Academy chapter 059.zip
- Alice Academy chapter 060.zip
- Alice Academy chapter 061.zip
- Alice Academy chapter 062.zip
(More Yet to be translated)
- Alice Academy chapter 066.zip
- Alice Academy chapter 098.zip
- Alice Academy chapter 099.zip
- Alice Academy chapter 100.zip
More yet to be translated......
Keep an eye on this post for new updates...... ^_^
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For understanding the manga better, view the "Glossary of Japanese Words and Phrases used in Manga".