The year is 50 B.C. Gaul is entirely occupied by the Romans. Hmmm.... but if you look reeeeally close it seems that one small village of indomitable Gauls still hold out against the invaders. And life is not easy for the Roman legionaries who garrison the fortified camps of Totorum, Aquarium, Laudanum and Compendium...... ;-)
Welcome to the village of the indomitable Gauls, who with the help of a magic potion (which gives them superhuman strength temporarily) manage to keep the roman invaders at bay. But life is far from harsh in this tiny vilage. And now let's meet a few of the Gauls:
ASTERIX - The hero of these adventures. A shrewd, cummimg little warrior; all perilious missions are immediately entrusted to him. Asterix gets his superhuman strength from the magic potion brewed by the druid Getafix.
OBELIX - Asterix's inseparable friend. A menhir delivery-man by trade; addicted to wild boar. Obelix is always ready to drop everything and go off on a new adventure with Asterix - so long as there's wild boar to eat and plenty of fighting.
GETAFIX - The venerable village druid. Gathers miseltoe and brews magic potions. His speciality is the potion which gives the drinker superhuman strength. But Getafix also has other recipes up his sleeve.... ;-)
CACOFONIX - The bard. Opinion is divided as to his musical gifts. Cacofonix thinks he's a genius. Everyone else thinks he's unspeakable. But so long as he doesn't speak, let alone sing, everybody likes him.... *_*
And Finally,
VITALSTATISTIX - The chief of the tribe. Majestic, brave and hot-tempered, the old warrior is respected by his men and feared by his enemies. Vitalstatistix himself has only one fear; he is afraid the sky may fall on his head tomorrow. But as he always says," Tomorrow never comes."
Whoops nearly forgot an important character (But he doesn't appear in every book) ....
JULIUS CAESAR - Ruler of the vast Roman Empire. Known to the entire known world as a great ruler and known to Asterix as 'Julius old boy'...... Respected throughout the world as a strong level headed man and brought to a point of nervous breakdown by Asterix and his posse...
Well.... Follow Asterix and Obelix as they have their adventures in faraway and nearby lands... But as long as there are Romans to thump and wild boar to eat, their adventures will never end.... ( Unless the author dies.... ;-) )....
NOTE: Read the comics in the order given (because there are references and characters from previous comics).This scan is for review purposes only. Please buy the comic when available in your locality. ENJOY!!!
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When I was in the Navy and stationed in Spain, I went to see "Asterix Conquers Rome" in a Spanish Cinema. It was in French, with subtitles in Spanish, and I didn't understand anything except some of the names. It was wonderful!