Maria-sama ga Miteru's story revolves around the students of the Lillian Catholic school for girls, and can be considered character-driven, focusing on interactions between the characters rather than any sort of ongoing plot or goal to attain. At Lillian Girls' School, there is a tradition known as the sœur system (sœur being French for "sister" ) , in which a second, or third-year student, the grande sœur ("big sister" ) , will give her rosary to a junior student, the petite sœur ("little sister" ) , and promise to look after them and guide them.
When the story begins, Yumi Fukuzawa, a new first-year student admitted to Lillian, is praying in front of the Virgin Mary statue near the school entrance when she is suddenly approached by a cold second-year student named Sachiko Ogasawara who straightens Yumi's uniform ribbon. This seemingly simple act of kindness stays with Yumi the rest of the day, and she speaks of her meeting with Sachiko to her friends during class and lunch. After school is over, Yumi's classmate Tsutako Takeshima meets with Yumi to show her that she took a photograph of Yumi's meeting with Sachiko earlier that morning. Yumi asks if she can have the photo, but Tsutako says she will give her the snapshot under two conditions: one being that Tsutako can display it at the upcoming school festival, and two being that Yumi get Sachiko's permission to do so as well. Yumi agrees to this, which sets in motion a series of events involving the entire Yamayurikai — the student council of the school. A few weeks after first meeting Sachiko, Yumi accepts Sachiko's rosary and therefore agrees to become her petite sœur.
This officially inducts Yumi into the Yamayurikai where she assists them in school matters at the same level as the other two petite sœurs — Yoshino Shimazu, and Shimako Tōdō — who are the petite sœurs of Rei Hasekura, and Sei Satō respectively. Through her activities in the Yamayurikai, Yumi becomes closer to the other members and generally finds her experiences with the group to be enjoyable.
This was the original novel that the Manga and Anime are based on.
Available below for download are the pdf versions of the translation work that has been done uptil now by Baka-Tsuki. All the following releases are published under the TLG Translation Common Agreement v.0.4.1.
Note: All the following novels are in ENGLISH. The Japanese text on the right side of the title is for purists.
Unhighlighted text means that it hasn't been translated as yet and isn't available.
Download Links:
Volume 01 - Maria-sama ga Miteru/マリア様がみてる
Volume 02 - The Yellow Rose Revolution/黄薔薇革命
Volume 03 - Forest of Thorns/いばらの森
Volume 04 - Rosa Canina/ロサ・カニーナ
Volume 05 - Valentine's Gift - Part 1/ウァレンティーヌスの贈り物
Volume 06 - Valentine's Gift - Part 2/ウァレンティーヌスの贈り物
Volume 07 - Beloved Times - Part 1/いとしき歳月(前編)
Volume 08 - Beloved Times - Part 2/いとしき歳月(後編)
Volume 09 - Cherry Blossom (Sakura)/チェリーブロッサム
Volume 10 - Rainy Blue/レイニーブルー
Volume 11 - Holding a Parasol/パラソルをさして
Volume 12 - Vacation of the Lambs/子羊たちの休暇
Volume 13 - One Page of Midsummer/真夏の一ページ
Volume 14 - Cool Breeze/涼風さつさつ
Volume 15 - Ready, GO!/レディ、GO!
Volume 16 - Variety Gifts/バラエティギフト
Volume 17 - Ciào Sorella!/チャオ ソレッラ!(Available below)
Volume 18 - Just a Normal Day/特別でないただの一日
Volume 19 - In Library/イン ライブラリー (Available below)
Volume 20 - Sister Audition/妹オーディション
Volume 21 - Rose Mille-Feuille/薔薇のミルフィーユ
Volume 22 - Blank Map of the Future/未来の白地図
Volume 23 - Other Side of the Frosted Glass/くもりガラスの向こう
Volume 24 - Masked Actress/仮面のアクトレス
Volume 25 - Big Door, Small Key/大きな扉 小さな鍵
Volume 26 - Crisscross/クリスクロス
Volume 27 - In Search for You/あなたを探しに
Volume 28 - Frame of Mind/フレーム オブ マインド
Volume 29 - Crown of Roses/薔薇の花かんむり
Volume 30 - Twinkle, Twinkle, Twirl/キラキラまわる
Volume 31 - Margeret and Ribbon/マーガレットにリボン
Volume 32 - Graduation in Fine Scenery/卒業前小景
Volume 33 - Hello Goodbye/ハローグッバイ (Available below)
Volume 17 - Ciào Sorella!/チャオ ソレッラ!
- Prologue
- Each and Every Farewell Gift
- Going out at the Beginning
- Leisurely Dialogue
- The Mouth of Truth's Complaint
- The Capital of Flowers Is What Kind of City?
- Resounding! Leaning! Melting!?
- The Parakeet's Hint
- From the Water Capital to the Island Nation
- Souvenir Report
- Epilogue
Volume 19 - In Library/イン ライブラリー
- Prologue
- In Library - - I
- In Library - - II
Volume 33 - Hello Goodbye/ハローグッバイ
- Prologue
- Today's Goal
- Green Bird and White Flower
- Grand Entrance
- The Problem of Adding "-San"
- Parting Gift Trio
- Soloist's Adlib
- Connecting Chains
- Continuing Path
- Postscript
More yet to be translated......
Keep an eye on this post for new updates...... ^_^
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