Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Animorphs Books Download

Animorphs is an English language science fiction series of young adult books written by K. A. Applegate and published by Scholastic. Five humans, one of whom eventually becomes a hawk, and one alien obtain the ability to morph into any animal they touch; they name themselves "Animorphs", a portmanteau of "animal morphers". Using their ability, they battle a secret alien infiltration of Earth. It is told in first person, with a different narrator in every book. Applegate cycles through the six protagonists, telling their story of the secret war through each of their perspectives. By using this, she explores many of the dark aspects of the human condition. Horror, war, dehumanization, sanity, morality, innocence, leadership, and growing up are core motifs of the series.

Published between June 1996 and May 2001, the series consisted of 54 books and includes ten companion books, including eight that fit into the series's continuity (the Animorphs Chronicles and Megamorphs books) and two that are gamebooks not fitting into the continuity (the Alternamorphs books). The characters grow up throughout the series, struggling to cope with the horrors of war, the acts which they commit, and the compromises and retreats they must make to win the war (and sometimes, even just to survive). The series allows the reader to observe the human condition as these six "normal" children are forced by their new, deadly circumstances to face the darkest, and also the brightest, parts of themselves.

NOTE: Click on book titles to read Wiki-Reviews and click 'DOWNLOAD' to.....well, download ;-)

Download Links:


Main Story:

#01 - The Invasion - DOWNLOAD
#02 - The Visitor - DOWNLOAD
#03 - The Encounter - DOWNLOAD
#05 - The Predator - DOWNLOAD
#06 - The Capture - DOWNLOAD
#07 - The Stranger - DOWNLOAD
#08 - The Alien - DOWNLOAD
#09 - The Secret - DOWNLOAD
#10 - The Android - DOWNLOAD
#11 - The Forgotten - DOWNLOAD
#12 - The Reaction - DOWNLOAD
#13 - The Change - DOWNLOAD
#14 - The Change - DOWNLOAD
#15 - The Escape - DOWNLOAD
#16 - The Warning - DOWNLOAD
#17 - The Underground - DOWNLOAD
#18 - The Decision - DOWNLOAD
#19 - The Departure - DOWNLOAD
#20 - The Discovery - DOWNLOAD
#21 - The Threat - DOWNLOAD
#22 - The Solution - DOWNLOAD
#23 - The Pretender - DOWNLOAD
#24 - The Suspicion - DOWNLOAD
#25 - The Extreme - DOWNLOAD
#26 - The Attack - DOWNLOAD
#27 - The Exposed - DOWNLOAD
#28 - The Experiment - DOWNLOAD
#29 - The Sickness - DOWNLOAD
#30 - The Reunion - DOWNLOAD
#31 - The Conspiracy - DOWNLOAD
#32 - The Separation - DOWNLOAD
#33 - The Illusion - DOWNLOAD
#34 - The Prophecy - DOWNLOAD
#35 - The Proposal - DOWNLOAD
#36 - The Mutation - DOWNLOAD
#37 - The Weakness - DOWNLOAD
#38 - The Arrival - DOWNLOAD
#39 - The Hidden - DOWNLOAD
#40 - The Other - DOWNLOAD
#41 - The Familiar - DOWNLOAD
#42 - The Journey - DOWNLOAD
#43 - The Test - DOWNLOAD
#44 - The Unexpected - DOWNLOAD
#45 - The Revelation - DOWNLOAD
#46 - The Deception - DOWNLOAD
#47 - The Resistance - DOWNLOAD
#48 - The Return - DOWNLOAD
#49 - The Diversion - DOWNLOAD
#50 - The Ultimate - DOWNLOAD
#51 - The Absolute - DOWNLOAD
#52 - The Sacrifice - DOWNLOAD
#53 - The Answer - DOWNLOAD
#54 - The Beginning - DOWNLOAD



Megamorphs 01: The Andalite's Gift - DOWNLOAD
Megamorphs 02: In the Time of Dinosaurs - DOWNLOAD
Megamorphs 03: Elfangor's Secret - DOWNLOAD
Megamorphs 04: Back to Before - DOWNLOAD

The Chronicles:

The Andalite Chronicles - DOWNLOAD
The Ellimist Chronicles - DOWNLOAD
The Hork-Bajir Chronicles - DOWNLOAD
The Visser Chronicles - DOWNLOAD


Alternamorphs #1: The First Journey - DOWNLOAD
Alternamorphs #2: The Next Passage - DOWNLOAD

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